Chi Chi Okezie explains how to utilize customer service strategies to enable your career advancement
As consumers, customers and clients we are all familiar with good and bad customer service. It is possible to utilize customer service strategies to enable your career advancement. These strategies can guide the trajectory of your performance, purpose and passion for your profession.
Being able to administer trust, build relationships and add value to your organization can greatly impact your professional goals. This creative approach to your growth not only relies on your technical skills but your interpersonal, or soft skills, as well. It is a challenge navigating through common work difficulties while focusing on your career priorities. But, keeping your development top of mind and using innovative strategies to move forward are critical to your success.
1. Utilize Feedback
Companies depend heavily on customer feedback. They work internally and/or externally to create questions and gather data to gauge their performance. As an administrative professional, you can also create a list of questions or have conversations about elevating your work performance. The goal is to find ways of accelerating in your role, uncovering skills and abilities, improving your communication and broadening your career scope.
Questions might include:
- Are there gaps in my working style?
- Do I project executive presence?
- Am I consistent in my communication and actions?
- Is my job position allowing me to be authentic in the workplace?
- What qualities do I have which make me poised for advancement?
- What qualities do I need to develop to make me poised for advancement?
A good idea is to reach out to trusted colleagues within your networks. Another option is to connect internally with your HR department (if applicable). You could also consider a career coach or counselor for sound and useful advice. Be proactive and take steps to evolving and maturing professionally.
2. Utilize Social Media
Social media can be a double-edged sword offering both advantages and disadvantages regarding attention and exposure. Companies can gain large followings and engagement from great customer service reviews via internet platforms. Companies can also suffer from poor reviews which can impact their image and engagement. Consider developing a strong social media presence which supports your professional brand. Use these platforms to post relevant information about your accomplishments, promotions and other notable occurrences. Reach out to individuals in your networks and request recommendations, endorsements and testimonials. Ensure that your online profile is current and complete.
Social media etiquette do’s and don’ts:
- Do post relevant information on a regular basis.
- Do like, comment and repost info from your network connections.
- Do follow groups / discussions where you can contribute value.
- Do not engage in disagreements or arguments.
- Do not post or repost negative comments (whether true or valid opinions).
3. Utilize Marketing
Companies reinforce their value proposition through marketing to further enhance their customer experience. In the same way, you should be continuously marketing your skills and abilities. First and foremost, keep an up to date resume, even if you are not on a job search. Periodically referring to your resume keeps you apprised of your activities, where you can improve, and where you would like to grow. It can also be a tool for benchmarking when requesting for a promotion or pay raise.
Join and stay active in professional groups and associations, both internally and externally. Make yourself accessible to opportunities and connect with others. These forms of engagement can offer additional resources and support, alongside your current role. It is always good to have a balance between in-person and online visibility.
Use these customer service techniques to expand on your career development. Be open to feedback and using it for practical methods of advancement. Responsibly engage in social media to enhance your digital portfolio. Finally, continue to promote your skills and traits which make you an asset in the workplace.