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Steuart Snooks

Email and Workplace Productivity Expert

Email and Workplace Productivity Expert

Steuart Snooks is an Australian email and workplace productivity expert. He works with senior executives, their Assistants and support teams who are overloaded with email and has over 25 years’ experience in researching and developing practical, affordable solutions to the relentless demands of email and the workload it delivers.

Steuart delivers fast-paced, information-rich and highly practical presentations (with a touch of humour) that make a real difference to personal and organisational productivity.

He helps restore email to its rightful place as a powerful tool to leverage workplace and personal productivity. What he teaches can change the way you work . . . forever!

  • Three Keys to Managing Information and Email Overload

    Do you find that your days are a constant stream of information, email, communication and data overload?

    We will look at:

    • The 3 key strategies for managing overload, wherever it is coming from
    • Harnessing selective ignorance and adopting a low-information diet
    • How to focus on the critical few rather than be consumed with the trivial many.

    This session is designed to give you at least one highly practical idea you can immediately implement to boost your workplace productivity and sense of being in control.

    Learning Outcomes

    You will learn how to:

    • Get a higher degree of control over incoming interruptions
    • Reduce the volume of new inputs you manage manually each day
    • Speed up the way you process new inputs
    • Automate and systematize the way you manage repetitive inputs


    This session is available on demand, in our Learning Library

  • Revolutionise Your Inbox

    In this presentation, you will learn a proven best practice approach that will revolutionise your inbox.

    Steuart will explain:

    • the impact of email overload
    • 3 strategies to get control of your email and workload
    • some specific strategies for Assistants to use when working with their executives


    Learning Outcomes

    After this session, you will:

    • Understand how to get control of your email, which will help you save time, effort and headspace.

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