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Sarah Richson

HR Expert | Coach | Speaker

HR Expert | Coach | Speaker

Sarah Richson is an expert in growth strategy, international business and human capital strategies with deep experience of talent architecture and management within the African terrain.

Sarah has held highly complex roles with a global scope of leadership overseeing 20+ geographies across UK, USA, Asia and Africa. She demonstrates deep passion and expertise in fast-growth companies, successfully transforming unstructured environments into organised high-performing space through policy and governance.

Sarah’s expertise is multi-dimensional and includes years as a leadership development professional, culture specialist and HR consultant working on both European and local African assignments. She is recognized as a prolific speaker and trainer who advocates for empowering lives of local communities with inspirational mentorship programs.

  • Building Respectful Workplaces through Diversity and Inclusion

    For organisations that are committed to embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), it’s not just something we say. It’s not just something we write about. It’s something we think about, know, embrace and implement. It is what we believe in, unconditionally.

    DEI means creating a fair working environment that provides opportunities for all. DEI is the acknowledgement that certain advantages and barriers exist and that these barriers have prevented certain vulnerable groups from involvement and advancement in many areas within the workplace.

    DEI is fostered by enabling a respectful workplace environment free from bullying and harassment.  This session will help unpack this subject.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Understand Diversity and Inclusion
    • Creating safe workplaces through respectful conversations
    • Fostering respectful behaviors


    This session is available on demand from our Learning Library

  • The Power of REPEAT

    Practice makes perfect, they say.  However, practice of the wrong thing perfects the wrong thing.  And practice of the right things over and over again inculcates the right automatic thinking and doing of these right things, until they become natural.

    This session will walk you through using the power of repeat to build excellence and up-level your performance as an Executive Assistant.

    Learning Outcomes

    • The mechanics of building excellence through repeating the right things
    • How to up-level your performance and profile within a short time
    • How to expand the power of identity through repeat
  • Dealing with Irrational People

    We all know at least one irrational person. Many Assistants have told me over the years they would give anything to avoid certain colleagues because they
    drive them up the wall. Regardless of how hard we try to reason with them, we fail and feel helpless. I will share some valuable advice for situations when flat-out irrational people need to be addressed with emotional intelligence.

    Learning Outcomes

    • How to identify and deal with irrational people
    • How to deal with your own crazy – handle yourself during such an ordeal
    • How and when to walk away
  • Mindfulness: Diversity and Inclusion During a Crisis

    Mindfulness has grown in popularity in recent years. It is often simply put as “the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment—and accepting it without judgment”.

    With the current global pandemic many people feel like they are being thrown off balance, most especially for certain vulnerable groups.

    As Assistants we come from diverse backgrounds, hold diverse belief systems and interact with many diverse groups in a complex environment.

    During this session Sarah Richson will help you appreciate diversity and inclusion in the context of mindfulness.

  • Boost Your Career Through Emotional Intelligence

    Half-Day Masterclass

    Scholars may have coined the term “emotional intelligence” in the early 1990s, but business leaders quickly took the concept and made it their own. According to emotional intelligence, or EQ, success is strongly influenced by personal qualities such as perseverance, self-control and skill in getting along with others. Much has been written about how to improve employees’ EQ, but hiring managers are likely to make better hiring decisions when they look for people who already possess high EQ scores.

    We see employers working hard to better connect with both employees and job seekers. Why? Because they know that in order to keep their culture intact and to effectively recruit the right kind of candidates, they need to engage and be open and transparent. Workers with high EQ are better able to work in teams, adjust to change and be flexible. No matter how many degrees or other on-paper qualifications a person has, if he or she doesn’t have certain emotional qualities, he or she is unlikely to succeed. As the workplace continues to evolve, making room for new technologies and innovations, these qualities may become increasingly important.

    In this session, the visionary Sarah Richson explores how to use EQ to enhance your career and better support your executive.

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