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Carol Schulte

Professional Keynote Speaker | Brave Expert | Executive Coach

Professional Keynote Speaker | Brave Expert | Executive Coach

An authority on building braver cultures, and founder of The Brave Initiative, Carol has been educating, empowering, and entertaining audiences internationally for almost a decade. She holds a BFA in Theatre Performance, an MA in Communication, two postgraduate certificates in coaching and mentoring, and has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies, international associations, and individuals to get their brave on! Whether it be asking for a raise or promotion, nailing a presentation, or climbing Africa’s highest peak, her clients attribute her insights and inspiration to achieving what they never thought possible.

She is also a dedicated mental health advocate, and founder of Brave Beyond Diagnosis, a community dedicated to empowering women living with mental health challenges. In speaking openly about her own experience with mental illness, she makes it okay to not be okay.

Carol is a published author, been featured in numerous magazines and podcasts, and was a returning guest expert on Rogers TV in Canada. Having lived in 16 countries, Carol brings a global perspective to all she does. Multi-passionate, she’s also a volunteer counsellor, triathlete, and serious carpool karaoke-er!

  • It’s Okay To Not Be Okay: Debunk the Myths, Learn The Tools, and Feel Empowered to Change the Conversation Around Mental Health

    No one likes talking about mental health. It’s stigmatized, it’s scary, and it’s anything but comfortable! It’s also very much misunderstood. And, whether you like it or not, its impact on our work and life is here to stay.

    It’s time to talk about it, and to talk about it more effectively. It’s also time to recognize the signs, learn the proper tools, and create safe spaces to make it okay to not be okay.

    As we navigate life post Covid, addressing mental health in the workplace is more important that ever. Studies show 80% of workers experience some type of mental health challenge – from stress to anxiety to a more serious diagnosis. And the cost to employers is an estimated thirty billion dollars annually.

    Brave conversations surrounding mental health are no longer a nice to have, they are a need to have. The more we talk about it, the more we can create safe, supportive workplaces for everyone to thrive.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Learn about ‘brave conversations’ – and how to engage in them more effectively.
    • Explore how certain mental health diagnoses present themselves, and the behaviours to look out for amongst colleagues, as well as yourself.
    • Understand the power of active listening and how to elevate your EQ.
    • Gain strategies to create workspaces where it really is ‘okay to not be okay.’


    This session is available on demand in our Learning Library

  • KEYNOTE: Bring On the Biggest You! How to be Brave, Inspired, and Get into Action

    Far too many administrative professionals are playing small. They are living in what Dr. Seuss calls ‘The Waiting Place,’ and not working or living to their greatest potential. In this empowering, entertaining, and inspiring keynote, you will learn the three strategies you need in order to show up as your most confident, powerful self. You will learn the big Bravery Killers, and gain tools to get you out of your comfort zone and into your BIG zone. When you learn what it takes to bring on the biggest you, you will feel more fulfilled, more alive, and your work will matter in a whole new way.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Discover the three key strategies every leader needs in order to achieve both success and fulfilment
    • Learn the ancient theory of Teleology, and what it means to work in alignment with your Telos, your mission
    • Explore Karl Rohnke’s model describing the 3 zones of human experience, and the importance of getting out of your comfort zone and into your B.I.G. zone.
    • Gain key insights and real tools in order to feel more fulfilled in both your work and your life
    • Experience in real time what it means to get into action and what it takes to bring on the BIGGEST you
  • Work/Life WHAT? How to win at work and in life… without pulling out your hair!

    Does work/life balance even exist?

    That is exactly what we are going to be exploring in this engaging and interactive session. Far too many people, especially women, are pulled in all different directions and wear far too many hats. It becomes near impossible to be all the things to all the people, without experiencing copious – and unnecessary – amounts of stress, if not complete burnout.

    Learn how to properly prioritize all areas of your life, so as to win at work and in life while staying sane! Discover the key elements that make up the four pillars: Stress Management, Organizational Management, Relationship Management and Self Management. Explore the differences between self-compassion and self-care and learn tools to employ in the moment. Life can be challenging, but it’s time to discern what is within our control and focus on that.

    You will leave this session with powerful, actionable tools with respect to how to address the issue of work/life balance and wellness, so you feel back in control and in the driver’s seat!

    Learning Outcomes

    • Explore the anomaly that is work/life balance, and uncover a more powerful alternative
    • Learn how to recognize impending burnout and avoid it altogether
    • Distinguish between self-compassion and self-care, and identify when you need each
    • Discover the power of the ‘Wheel of Life’, as well as the power of proper prioritizing
  • WORKSHOP: Brave Communication

    Communicate Your Way to the Top! Communication Strategies for Aministrative Professionals That Want to Stand Out 

    The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your communication. Effective communication for administrative professionals is no longer a beneficial skill, it’s an essential one.

    In this session, you will learn how to both demonstrate and demand respect, regardless of your audience. You will understand how and when it pays to be assertive, and what that looks like. And you will uncover key techniques to ensure you are able to engage in powerful conversations across different personalities, cultures, and generations.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Gain valuable insights into your own communication habits, as well as how to leverage an understanding of all other communication styles
    • Learn how to craft your communications according to your audience and desired outcomes
    • Discover the truths about how messages are being interpreted, and how to optimise communication across various channels
    • Understand the differences between passive, assertive, and aggressive communication, and when to utilize each
    • Explore the key active listening techniques that will positively impact your conversations and relationships in and out of the workplace.
  • WORKSHOP: Brave Connections

    Sharing is Caring: The Real Benefits of Building Meaningful Connections in the Workplace

    Today more than ever, it is imperative to build trust and real connection with all stakeholders – both internal and external – in your work environment. So just what does it take?

    Deeper relationships are the gateway to creating a more effective and enjoyable workplace, and play a key role in contributing to your overall success and fulfilment. It’s not enough anymore to merely ‘get along’ – when you learn how to build authentic, trusting, meaningful relationships, everybody wins.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Learn what it really takes to connect with your people, and how it gives you the winning advantage
    • Discover the P.L.A.I.S.I.R. technique to effectively learning (and remembering!) people’s names
    • Gain a deeper understanding as to your language of appreciation, as well as those you work with
    • Identify the powerful difference between connecting with PEOPLE versus connection with COLLEAGUES
    • Walk away with easy, effective strategies to build instant connection and create sustainable change in your workplace
  • WORKSHOP: Brave Presence

    Stand Up, Speak Out: How to Communicate Your Confidence and Elevate Your Presence

    They say confidence is the most attractive thing a woman can wear. It is also what will take you to the next level both in your professional as well as in your personal life. It’s time for administrative professionals to see they already have a seat at the table.

    When you are fully comfortable in your own skin, you exude poise and power. You demand attention and respect. And you attract whatever it is you want into your life.

    In this session you will learn simple strategies and tangible techniques to boost your confidence, magnify your professional presence, and ensure you get noticed.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Learn practical, tangible tools to boost your confidence and magnify your presence
    • Discover what it means to speak up for yourself – being authentically assertive versus haughtily aggressive
    • Uncover 7 simple strategies that will ensure you stand out in any crowd
    • Find out what it means to show up consistently in the workplace as a 10
    • Understand why being YOU will always give you the winning advantage


  • WORKSHOP: Brave Presentations

    At Ease Up Front: Mastering Your Presentation Skills

    Whether delivering a talk to your department, your direct boss, or to external stakeholders, presentation skills are an essential part of your leadership development.

    In this interactive workshop, participants will learn what it takes to create and deliver a powerful presentation. You will build your confidence standing in front of any audience, increase your connection with any audience, and ensure your content is both relevant and sticky.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Discover tangible tools to boost your confidence at the front of any room, for any audience
    • Learn the necessary elements to build your powerful presentation
    • Explore the fool-proof formula to create your perfect outline, every time
    • Craft your attention-grabbing opening and your ovation-worthy close
    • Understand why speaker authenticity increases audience connectivity
  • WORKSHOP: Brave Negotiations

    This is What I Want: Effective Negotiation Skills for Female Leaders

    35% of women have never negotiated for anything within their professional lives.

    It is a skill that is both underused, and underrated. When women build their confidence and ability to use their voice to ask for what they want and what they need, they are more effective in their work and more influential in their relationships.

    This workshop will be a combination of lecture and role playing so as to maximise integrative participation and learning.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Understand why negotiation skills are both underused and underrated
    • Boost your confidence in learning to ask for what you want need and want
    • Learn powerful techniques to ensure you don’t come across as demanding or disrespectful
    • Practice in real-time a simulated negotiation
  • WORKSHOP: Spark Your Genius

    Far too many capable, talented, brilliant women shy away from stepping into their true genius. They have big ideas, big goals, big dreams… and yet they aren’t manifesting these ideas into action. Why?

    They’re waiting. Waiting to feel ready, waiting to feel good enough, waiting for permission or for the perfect moment to magically arrive. And it’s time to change all that.

    It’s time to spark your G.E.N.I.U.S! It’s time to get clear on your unique gifts, ignite your true passions, and discover your greater purpose. In this engaging, interactive workshop, you’ll gain confidence as you realize that yes, you do have an inner genius, and unique gifts to share with the world.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Identify all that makes up your inner G.E.N.I.U.S. and your unique self
    • Ignite your passions and the legacy you want to leave
    • Implement an action plan with tangible next steps
    • Create your own Genius Manifesto to act as your guide and inspiration

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